Thursday, November 29, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Monday, September 3, 2007
Carmen and I ended up getting into the boat the hard way (by getting wet first), and then jumping in. I'm glad the camera didn't get wet because we did get some good pictures. Some local boys were being a royal nuisance by trying to sink us, splashing us with water, and being plain pests...such is life as a white person in Indonesia.
The good news is that the boat floats...although there isn't a whole lot of room between the ocean and the edge of the boat, I don't think it was built for big people. I also learned the hard way that it can hold a lot of water...yes, a bailing bucket is essential when going for a ride in "The Pearl". I don't know where the leak came from, but I definitely need to get it fixed (finding fibreglass might be a problem).
Also essential to have on board is an anchor...yes, I ended up a ways from shore in a leaky boat and it took me a while to paddle back in. I was prepared to fish for the day, but didn't get the chance since I was too busy bailing water...
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Nathan Kelly is a friend of mine from Northwest Bible College. Nate is from Cranbrook and is part owner of Total Outdoor Adventures LTD where he works as a guide / outfitter. If you want to do some serious hunting Nate is your man. Check out his company: I don't know much about this Mountain Lion that he shot, but I can say that it is the biggest monster I have ever seen!
Well I'm all out of stories for today, and can't think of anything else to write at the moment...mosquitoes are eating me alive! Keep your stick on the ice.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Over the last few weeks I have fished with him three times. Two of which have been disorganized and crazy; just like any typical guy who is planning on going fishing. One night he invited me to go lobster fishing. Upon arriving at the boat he then informed me that the water was too murky so we would do some fishing instead. This was fine news to me. So we got into the boat and were prepared to go when Apoang threw out his line and began fishing before the boat left the beach. I asked him what he was doing, and he replied "fishing, What, did you think we were going to leave the beach?" It was really funny to me, especially because his girlfriend got seasick (without leaving shore) and he kept fishing even though she was feeling green. It was hilarious. We didn't catch much.
This weekend I had a feeling that our luck would change. Apoang had arranged for a boat to take all of us to a local island for the day, to fish, read, relax, and maybe go for a swim. We were supposed to leave at 8:30am but his girlfriend took the 1972 Holden to Calang to get bait for the trip. The car broke down and she didn't arrive until 10:00am and from there we went indirectly to the beach. At 10:30 we left the beach to head to the island and we were all excited. It turns out that he didn't really know anything about the island we were going to, and we couldn't land the boat there because there was no beach, just sharp jagged rocks. We ended up taking an hour boat ride to a different beach, which was very nice and beautiful; however, we could have driven to in 10 minutes (it was a part of the main island)!
We had a nice afternoon, but couldn't catch any fish. Then we took another one hour boat ride back home in the hot afternoon sun. It wasn't my idea of a well planned day, but hey I'm not one to talk. I've done similar things back home with guy's camping trips!I think next time Carmen and I are going to plan this weekend ourselves! We had a good time, but not what we expected. I guess there are Rednecks in every country.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Clark wasn't the only one to bag his first big game animal last season. As it turns out I drew a LEH tag for a Mule Deer Doe and Hartwig and I hunted two weekends in a row in Lone Butte to find one. I was able to drop my first deer in one shot to the neck from about 25 yards, and the only thing I could think to say was, "I got one"! It was a great hunt and I'm very proud of my first deer, thanks Hartwig and Tina!!! The great thing about going up to my In-Law's Place is that Hartwig and Tina know the area well. This season was good for them and more than one deer got put in the freezer. Now, my father-in-law doesn't like to boast, so I'll do that for him, and say that he's a good hunter. Here is a nice three point he got this year.
Carmen also shot her first grouse this year, and I can honestly say that I'm more proud of her than she is of herself. She went hunting with a .22 with her mom, and shot the grouse in the neck with one shot! Then she felt bad when she saw it flop and I wonder if it will be hard to get her to go hunting with me in the future! Carmen I love you, you make me a happy man!
These are some of the memories that I have of the hunting season and I am looking forward to coming home during the next one! Too bad the boys from the island don't have their licences! Matt Neilson, I haven't given up on you yet! Remember where we are planning to go in the Fall of 2010!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Last week I was more fortunate. I caught a small grouper with my fishing rod, and managed to spear a small fish with my Hawaiian sling. The funny thing about the sling was that I was aiming for a larger fish but missed, and ended up getting a small one! Since I haven't been catching much I think I will just buy them instead...lobster here is cheap!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Well most of you know that I'm working in International relief with MEDAIR in Indonesia. It is a passion of mine to work with people who need assistance, and as a Christian I feel called to this line of work. However, some of you might not be too familiar with two other influences in my life...hunting and fishing. I have always been interested in wildlife and all the little critters that creep and crawl. When you hunt and fish, you can get up close and personal with some animals, and they taste good on the BBQ. While I'm here in Indonesia, I will try and keep you updated on these two hobbies when they happen. Stay Tuned...