Thursday was an interesting day. I traveled North about an hour and a half to do a survey for a water source up in the jungle. The Jungle Trek was about a half hour hike through some of the thickest bush I have ever seen! We surveyed the source and have decided to do a gravity flow system to meet the water demands of the village. Despite the annoying leeches, yes I got two stuck on my bum, the TREK went smoothly. We returned to our home town, to find out that the same day a local hunter was mauled by a tiger only a 10 minuite hike into the jungle! So far he's alive the tiger didn't kill him, but still, kind of scary. So far the only dangerous thing that I have seen are wild boars. One took a run at us as we walked home one night, then headed for the bush as soon as he got within flashlight range. I've started carrying a pocket knife for the walk home. Indonesia is a great place, exciting, warm, friendly people, and interesting wildlife...until next time...