Sunday, February 25, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Clark wasn't the only one to bag his first big game animal last season. As it turns out I drew a LEH tag for a Mule Deer Doe and Hartwig and I hunted two weekends in a row in Lone Butte to find one. I was able to drop my first deer in one shot to the neck from about 25 yards, and the only thing I could think to say was, "I got one"! It was a great hunt and I'm very proud of my first deer, thanks Hartwig and Tina!!!
The great thing about going up to my In-Law's Place is that Hartwig and Tina know the area well. This season was good for them and more than one deer got put in the freezer. Now, my father-in-law doesn't like to boast, so I'll do that for him, and say that he's a good hunter. Here is a nice three point he got this year.
Carmen also shot her first grouse this year, and I can honestly say that I'm more proud of her than she is of herself. She went hunting with a .22 with her mom, and shot the grouse in the neck with one shot! Then she felt bad when she saw it flop and I wonder if it will be hard to get her to go hunting with me in the future! Carmen I love you, you make me a happy man!

These are some of the memories that I have of the hunting season and I am looking forward to coming home during the next one! Too bad the boys from the island don't have their licences! Matt Neilson, I haven't given up on you yet! Remember where we are planning to go in the Fall of 2010!
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Last week I was more fortunate. I caught a small grouper with my fishing rod, and managed to spear a small fish with my Hawaiian sling. The funny thing about the sling was that I was aiming for a larger fish but missed, and ended up getting a small one! Since I haven't been catching much I think I will just buy them instead...lobster here is cheap!