Last week Carmen and I got back from Pulau Weh and I had a chance to do some more spear fishing. I wasn't quite sure if I would be able to do it because many people go there to check out the reef and do snorkeling and diving. I wanted to be sensitive about it so I asked one of the locals at the resort we were staying at, and one of the tourists. They both said it was "ok" for me to fish there, and they encouraged me to get a few fish for the BBQ that night! I was stoked to go because of the amazingly clear water, and the abundance of fish! I saw a nice parrot fish about 6 meters down, and I went around the back side of the coral bed to get behind him. I got the fish on the first try, brought it to shore, and was told by the cook to go get another one!
Now despite what some people may think, I am a conservationist at heart...I don't want to see all the fish or animals disappear because people are selfish and take more than what they can use. At the same time I have no problem with taking a fish or two, or shooting a deer to have meat for the year. I think God made fish for the specific purpose of BBQ (especially salmon...mmm). I got a strip torn off me about being a "cold blooded killer", and "how could I have killed this animal; it's so beautiful and it's my friend", and "squid are rare we don't see them often", etc... I was quite ticked off to say the least. Most of what was said was a load of bull (squid are not rare the locals eat them everyday); I guess they are not used to seeing their food before they eat it. I'm also pretty sure that they eat fish themselves, so they're being pretty hypocritical. Then the rumors started flying around the resort...the one German girl kept telling everyone she met that I had killed an Octopus and that I was a real bastard, and I ended up getting a few dirty looks from one or two tourists. I didn't invite them to the BBQ that's for sure!Other people didn't care in the least and told me not to worry about it... In fact, the cook only Barbecued the parrot fish, and the locals ate the squid themselves...I didn't really want to demand to have it since I had caused an uprising already so I didn't fight it. This episode hasn't dampened my spirits in the least; I'm going fishing tomorrow!