I have a typical fish story. The big one got away as usual except this time it took most of my gear. I went out in a small boat off Asu when we were on holidays, and in the morning I caught 3 tuna & a travelly. We were only out for an hour or so and then got rained out, so in the afternoon we tried again. This is where I lost all my gear. I lost one set from a large fish off the surf break, it cut the line and took all three hooks (not a rock)! Then I hooked into a Big Barracuda, which also bit through my line, and finally I hooked into a large Travelly which also swam away with a Rapala in its lip. I now have purchased some stronger line, maybe I can get some proof next time of the big one! Here's a few photo's of the fish I caught on Asu.

This one I nailed with a hand-spear. I have no idea what species it is, but it tasted a lot like a trout, I tried to catch a few more but was unsuccessul.